Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Santa is Coming

I can not believe Christmas is already upon us. It just seems like the year has started. This year has been a great year and has flown by fast. Sometimes it seems like the little things are not thought of.

Eventhough we take the little things for granted, around Christmas kindness arises. Christmas is the time to be with family and friends. Eventhough we should show love to our fellow man all year, Christmas time brings out the best in absolutely everything and everyone.

Little kids are bratty towards each other most of the year. At Christmas time, hopes of Santa's toys causes kids to be on their best behavior. Santa know every activity and emotion of kids,so, they decide to act in the best way.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Julius Caesar

" En tu Brute?" Caesar says this when he dies at the hands of Brutus, Caesar, and the conspirators. Shakespeare's Julius Caesar enticed me with its tragic tale.

Julius Caesar was a tyrant who took over after Pompey died. Cassius was a great instigater. Brutus had a lot to do with Caesar's death, and he killed Caesar. Antony's voice sparked revenge for Caesar.

Marullus and Flavius were mad about the death of Pompey, and thought Caesar was a tyrant. Cassius instigated Brutus. Caesar wanted to be great. Brutus and the conspirators made three mistakes. Caesar was killed. Antony's voice proved to have great power.

This book is great. Anyone who wants to read a good tragedy should read Julius Caesar. The writing is fantastic. I loved this book.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Last Juror

"Danny Padgit. It was Danny Padgit," is what Rhoda whispered to Mr. Deece the night that she was murdered. John Grisham's The Last Juror captivated me with its tale of a town, who stays under the wrath of one family.

Willie Traynor tries to build the newspaper that has so long, been dwindling in subscribers. Wilson Caudle mainly wrote obituaries when he ran it. Rhoda Kassellaw's murder changed the lives of a alot of people in Ford County. Everyone's convinced Danny Padgit murdered Rhoda. Callie Ruffin becomes ome of Willie's dearest friends.

Clanton, Mississippi is as small town in Ford County. In the 1970's peole around ther did not trust strangers, so, when Willie comes they do not trust him right away. The blacks stay in Lowtown and the whites on the other side of the tracks. No one in Clanton crosses the Padgits, because they are afraid to.

Clanton has not seen a brutal crime in years, that is, until Rhoda Kassellaw's homicide. They cannot find an unprejudiced jury,at first. When they find a jury, no one knows who they are, till the trial begins. After the trial jurors remain scared of Danny's threat. Jurors start dying one by one. Who is killing them.

Anyone who likes stories about murder and justice should read John Grisham's The Last Juror. The age level should be ages thirteen and up for crude humor and violence. I recommend this book to those who love great books.

pgs. 486

A Leader Arises

Leaders rise up everywhere, even in the least likely of places. The fact that no one knows the leader changes nothing. A normal person usually has several characteristics of a good leader.

A good heart is one of the qualities of a good leader. The kid who does the right thing, eventhough, others look down on him. He does not party, because of the chance of hurting someone. He behaves and does good at school. This kid exemplifies a true leader.

The need to help others is one of the qualities of a true leader. The single parent doing his best to help his kids has this quality of a true leader. He never misses a day at work. He goes to all his kids' activities. He manages the bills.


Monday, December 7, 2009

'Tis The Season To be Greedy

Everyone says give and not receive. The older people understand that kids today are spoiled. Greedy kids put a drain on society.

Due to inflation everything has gone up, but instead of worrying about those without money, we worry about what we will get. Life is all about me rings true in most kids thoughts.

Some kids do not get anything,and all we worry about is ourselves. If more kids would do selfless acts, then the world would be a better place. Around Christmas time we should get rid of all our old stuff, but ,instead, life is a continous race of who has more.

It is better to make sure others have a good Christmas. We are in a continous rat race. Whoever dies with the most toys still dies, but those with good hearts will be remembered forever. Unfortunately we think that we need to be better than everyone else and snub those who do not have the fortune of designer or expensive things.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A Time to be Thankful

All year long we do not appreciate those who deserve the appreciation, but now is the season to show those who deserve thamks our thanks towards them. There are tons of reasons for the season, but here are the top ten reasons for the season:

1. The top reason for the season is to show those who deserve thanks,how much we appreciate them.

2. I am thankful for my nana, because she always listens to me. Whenever I need someone to talk to my nana lends an ear. I know I can trust my nana with all my secrets.

3. I am thankful for my dad, because he gets me whatever I need. I know my dad would do anything for me. He does what's best for me.

4. I am thankful for my stepmom.

5. I am thankful for my aunt Tina.

6. I am thankful for my uncle Stephen.

7. I am thankful for my aunt Dely.

8. I am thankful for my papa.

9. I am thankful for my sisters.

10. I am thankful for my baby brother.

Monday, November 16, 2009

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens

Sean Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens encouraged me to be a more effective teen with his way of telling each habit like a story. Sean Covey showed how bad habits can be overturned by effective ones.

Of the seven habits one remains hard for me. Being proactive never seems easy. When a commemt I can not stand gets told, then the volcano starts to bubble letting reaction flow out. Reactions seem to light me up like gasoline waiting to explode. Proactive seems cool, but being calm remains hard for me.

Anyone who likes pictures and fun quotes should read The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens. I think that anyone who wants to become more effective should read this brilliantly written book.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Ride Through My Life

My days are usually pretty hectic. I mean, how does anyone get along with their siblings, manage to make both parents happy, and get work done at the same time? My life seems to consist of trying to please others an even, sometimes, myself.

My schedule consists of:

1. I get up and get ready for a long day. I get dressed. My breakfast usually consists of something from the freezer or a pop-tart. I fix my hair and put on makeup. Then, to the bus stop for me.

2. The bus arrives. I make my way to the seat. The bus driver usually has the radio on. We stop at West and Central, finally to arrive at the high school.

3. I go into school and say hi to my friends and sister. Classes start at 8:00. I go through my morning classes. Lunch arrives.

4. I spend lunch with my friends. We catch up on whats going on in each other's lives. Drama usually raises its ugly head at lunch. Afternoon classes come and go. In the end, we finally get home.

5. If today happens to be mom's Friday then I go to my mom's house. We do what my mom plans. We spend the weekend with her.
5. If today does not happen to be Friday we go home. Chores are usually done. Then home work time

6. Sometimes, we help cook. We eat dinner. We clean up the kitchen. I take a shower and get in my pajamas.

7. I watch my favorite shows. Talking to my sister can get interesting. I brush my teeth. I then go to sleep.

This cylcle consists of just about everything I do. The cycle stays never ending. All the details are not there. You get the point. Thanks for taking a ride through a portion of my life.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Computer Takeover

Before long,I think the computers will takeover. We are getting to dependent on computers. Computers show up in every aspect of our lives.

One of these days we will forget how to do simple things. Math will be a thing of the past. Computers will make us lazy.

We will be to dependent and incompetent.Everyone use computers. Paper will be a thing of the past. We won't have any idea how people computed now a days.

Monday, October 12, 2009


Ever survived an accident that killed most of her family. When Ever woke up in the hospital, she could read minds and see auras. Alyson Noel's Evermore facinated me with an exciting tale.

All throughput the book Ever finds out why she does what she does. Ever can read minds, see auras, and see an entire life story with just one touch. Ever thinks its her fault for her family's deaths. She triwes to put her newfound gifts away. As Ever comes to terms with her powers, she comes to terms with her guilt.

The characters cause the book to seem more realistic. Ever thinks that its her fault for her family's deaths and tries to hide her newfound powers. Haven wears gothic clothes to stickl out and goes to anonympous groups. Miles thinks he has to havce a boyfriend. Ever, Haven, and Miles like Damen.

Ever tries to get over heer parents death. She has unique powers. Damen qiets the voices and dulls the aureas. Ever communicstes with her dead little sister.

I would recommend tis book to those who like Twilight.Evermore should be rated the second best book afterThirteen Resons Why. So read the book.


Monday, October 5, 2009

Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy

"Just be yourself." Being yourself sounds easy right, well, its not all that easy when you are a spy and get grades for the legends you take over. Ally Carter's Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy had me flipping pages form the beginning because of all the adventure.

The characters made this book very realistic. Cammie, eventhough she's a spy, has all the problems of a regular girl. Bex remains the tough British spygirl, always looking for a challenge. Liz wants academic challenges. Macey wants to rebel against her parents by making all A's. And Zach, new to the scene, keeps coming back to Cammie.

On the last day of winter break Cammie has to go get debriefed by the CIA. Later when she gets back to Gallagher Academy, she hears her mom talk about Blackthorne. She does not know anything about Blackthorne. On their first covert operations countersurveillance, Cammie talks to Zach, not realizing he's her tail. The next day, everyone finds out that the Blackthorne Boys are going to be staying at Gallagher Academy. The semester comes with many first for Gallagher.

This book can connect with all girls on a personal level. All girls have dreamed of being someone-else. Cammie does not know how to be herself, with all the legends she has taken hold of. This book has girls needing to be invisible/someone other than themselves as a matter of life or death.

I reccomend this book to girls who like action and drama. Do not read it without first reading I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You. These girls are tough and smart so read about their talents to build your self confidence.


Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Invisible Man pgs.135

Everyone comes up with ideas when the stranger comes to town. When they find out he's invisible, everyone wants to kill him. H.G. Well's The Invisible Man consed me with its futuristic tale of invisibility.

The style of The Invisible Man compares to no other book I have read in the futuristic quality. I like that he does not write his story like life back then. Griffin, the narator, shows anger through his voice.

The characters make the story more realistic. Mrs. Hall wonders about her eccentric visitor. Alot of old ladies, gossip about what they find interesting. Griffin turned himself invisible. It would be cool to be invisible, not having anyoone know who you were. Kemp turned over Griffin. Most people pick on people who are different from themselves.

A stranger comes to the inn. Everyone speculates about him. He decides to reveal his invisibility. He runs into Kemp after some misshaps and reveals how he turned invisible. He also, lets Kemp knw he's invisible.

I do not think anyone should want to read this book,but, if you like science fiction, read it. H.G. Wells told a modern day story. This book remains ahead of his time. All science geeks must read it.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Thirteen Reasons Why by: Jay Asher pgs.288

Hannah Baker's audiotapes tell us all how little acts of cruelty can really hurt a person. In one night, Clay goes all over Hannah and his town. Jay Asher's Thirteen Reasons Why intrigued me with its morbid story, of why a girl committed suicide.

Random acts of cruelty caused Hannah to want to end her life. Thirteen people made Hannah's list. Clay wants to know what he did. The cruelty went from her first kiss and on with cuelty.

Jay Asher's style uniquely tells the story. Most people who write two stories don't usually tell them at the same time. This story would not have been told near as well without Clay's reactions to Hannah's words.

The characters make the story real. Hannah's stories about the people who led to her suicide make us think about what we say to people. Clay's reactions to Hannah's words give us an inside in his head. It makes everyting real that he stole Tony's walkman so that his parents would not hear Hannah's voice.

Thirteen Reasons Why tells Hannah Baker's audiobiography. When Clay gets home from school, he finds a shoebox full of audiotapes. He thinks that its a surprise or something. Hannah's words surprise him and send him across his town in one night. Clay will never see some peopl the same again.

I would recommend this book to people of all ages. We do not always realize how are words affect others. Maybe this book will make you think about your actions toward the people you make fun of or bully.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Technology for Better or Worse

In the past we didn't even have cell phones. The first cell phones were huge. Now cell phones are tiny.

Technology has changed for the best in some ways. Technology has made it where we can find answers to our questions quicker.

Technology has changed for the worst in other ways. We have become less independent and more dependent on technology. Technology causes laziness.

With technology, we will regress on our abilities. Instead of having to look up information in books for reports, the internet is at our fingertips. We will not know how to actually solve equations correctly, because we have calculators.

Technology should be used for finding information for papers. Eventhough technology has us spoiled, we still need it for research.