Monday, December 7, 2009

'Tis The Season To be Greedy

Everyone says give and not receive. The older people understand that kids today are spoiled. Greedy kids put a drain on society.

Due to inflation everything has gone up, but instead of worrying about those without money, we worry about what we will get. Life is all about me rings true in most kids thoughts.

Some kids do not get anything,and all we worry about is ourselves. If more kids would do selfless acts, then the world would be a better place. Around Christmas time we should get rid of all our old stuff, but ,instead, life is a continous race of who has more.

It is better to make sure others have a good Christmas. We are in a continous rat race. Whoever dies with the most toys still dies, but those with good hearts will be remembered forever. Unfortunately we think that we need to be better than everyone else and snub those who do not have the fortune of designer or expensive things.

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