Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Vampire Academy

A dhampir either turns into a guardian, who fights of Strigoi and other attacks, or a blood whore, who stays away from the fight and has babies. Rose, a dhampir, wants to protect her friend Lissa, a Moroi. Richelle Mead’s Vampire Academy enthralled me with its exciting tale.

Vladmir Academy in Montana trains Moroi and Dhampir to utilize their abilities. Dhampir become guardians and usually die young. Moroi are the leaders in society. Without the dhampir fighting skills and protection against the Strigoi, immortal dead vampires, the Moroi civilization would crash and burn.

Rose and Lissa have not been to the academy in two years. When they return, Dimitri, a top-notch guardian, is assigned to tutor Rose in her guardian skills, fighting and running. Lissa keeps finding dead animals in her room, as if someone was trying to scare her off. Rose tries her hardest to ensure Lissa’s safety.

Anyone, who wants a tremendous book to read, should read Vampire Academy. I recommend this book to those of you who like vampires. This book is a ten out of ten.

Pgs. 332


Anonymous said...

I do not like vampire books so...

alitam said...

This book sounds epic.

brittany12 said...

It sure does have epoc potential.

wendym66 said...

i enjoyed this series...