Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Invisible Man pgs.135

Everyone comes up with ideas when the stranger comes to town. When they find out he's invisible, everyone wants to kill him. H.G. Well's The Invisible Man consed me with its futuristic tale of invisibility.

The style of The Invisible Man compares to no other book I have read in the futuristic quality. I like that he does not write his story like life back then. Griffin, the narator, shows anger through his voice.

The characters make the story more realistic. Mrs. Hall wonders about her eccentric visitor. Alot of old ladies, gossip about what they find interesting. Griffin turned himself invisible. It would be cool to be invisible, not having anyoone know who you were. Kemp turned over Griffin. Most people pick on people who are different from themselves.

A stranger comes to the inn. Everyone speculates about him. He decides to reveal his invisibility. He runs into Kemp after some misshaps and reveals how he turned invisible. He also, lets Kemp knw he's invisible.

I do not think anyone should want to read this book,but, if you like science fiction, read it. H.G. Wells told a modern day story. This book remains ahead of his time. All science geeks must read it.

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